
Estimated points this round

464 975p

Points to next rank

22 012 323p

Estimated rank up

5 April 2029

Zones taken this round



Rank Points Points per hour Zones Zones this round Unique zones this round Round unique zones this round Total points Total takes Unique zones Medals Region Round Month
23 158505 0 0 802 0 0 158505 801 297 5 Scotland 128 2021-02
34 476745 0 0 2715 528 808 635499 3517 825 13 Scotland 129 2021-03
37 288317 0 0 1036 249 607 923817 4545 1074 16 Scotland 130 2021-04
41 726840 0 0 2294 2173 2191 1650668 6837 3247 17 Scotland 131 2021-05
43 575349 0 0 1880 1796 1849 2226504 8714 5043 17 Scotland 132 2021-06
46 780539 0 0 1775 1190 1422 3007307 10425 6233 19 Scotland 133 2021-07
47 676426 0 0 1666 1389 1501 3684313 12081 7622 18 North West England 134 2021-08
49 1174088 0 0 4881 581 2312 4858433 16947 8203 21 Scotland 135 2021-09
50 687810 0 0 1588 1156 1348 5546457 18506 9359 22 North West England 136 2021-10
51 263208 0 0 1122 106 383 5809457 19609 9465 23 Scotland 137 2021-11
52 813518 0 0 2407 763 1172 6622990 21979 10228 23 Scotland 138 2021-12
53 877611 0 0 2367 1510 1936 7500643 24302 11738 23 East of England 139 2022-01
54 731785 0 0 2013 763 1343 8232470 26294 12501 24 Scotland 140 2022-02
54 617055 0 0 1789 1008 1594 8849569 28073 13509 24 Yorkshire & The Humber 141 2022-03
54 387136 0 0 1457 287 851 9236749 29501 13796 25 Scotland 142 2022-04
55 557863 0 0 2414 1681 2196 9794626 31921 15477 26 Scotland 143 2022-05
55 614730 0 0 1956 676 1519 10409605 33871 16154 27 Scotland 144 2022-06
56 1034555 0 0 2608 2100 2562 11444191 36479 18254 27 Örebro 145 2022-07
56 749290 0 0 1821 1499 1758 12193533 38300 19753 28 South West England 146 2022-08
57 944460 0 0 2418 1606 2307 13138052 40705 21359 32 Hovedstaden 147 2022-09
57 485937 0 0 1517 325 1039 13624052 42207 21684 34 Scotland 148 2022-10
57 976812 0 0 2020 1241 1895 14600875 44224 22925 34 West Midlands 149 2022-11
57 324301 0 0 1035 55 544 14925243 45218 22980 36 Scotland 150 2022-12
58 658055 0 0 1347 727 1164 15583088 46561 23707 37 Scotland 151 2023-01
58 569825 0 0 1529 343 1249 16152950 48083 24050 37 Scotland 152 2023-02
58 193343 0 0 554 205 472 16346321 48625 24255 37 Scotland 153 2023-03
58 533169 0 0 1572 469 1219 16879504 50188 24724 37 Scotland 154 2023-04
58 520303 0 0 2191 1503 1997 17400013 52380 26227 39 Västerbotten 155 2023-05
58 427587 0 0 1245 184 839 17827619 53562 26411 40 Scotland 156 2023-06
58 1164101 0 0 1993 1334 1985 18991933 55556 27745 40 Wales 157 2023-07
58 629186 0 0 2203 1489 1996 19621170 57755 29234 42 Skåne 158 2023-08
58 813521 0 0 3104 281 2192 20434714 60832 29518 42 Scotland 159 2023-09
58 356075 0 0 723 91 649 20791001 61545 29609 43 Scotland 160 2023-10
58 655377 0 0 1510 619 1252 21446453 63041 30228 43 Scotland 161 2023-11
58 575327 0 0 1246 67 832 22021820 64219 30295 43 Scotland 162 2023-12
58 598468 0 0 1574 132 1227 22620316 65763 30427 43 Scotland 163 2024-01
58 1 0 0 0 0 0 22020831 64219 30295 43 Scotland 163 2024-01
58 257590 0 0 711 148 634 22877942 66466 30575 43 Scotland 164 2024-02
58 1 0 0 0 0 0 22620109 65763 30427 43 Scotland 164 2024-02
58 1862584 0 0 3515 1592 3258 24740620 69962 32167 43 South East England 165 2024-03
59 670759 0 0 2024 359 1800 25411784 71971 32526 46 Scotland 166 2024-04
59 283568 0 0 767 141 707 25695423 72734 32667 48 Scotland 167 2024-05
59 559508 0 0 2356 1563 2175 26254941 75125 34232 49 Västmanland 168 2024-06
59 1070075 0 0 2700 964 2551 27325648 77813 35196 48 Scotland 169 2024-07
59 399851 0 0 1611 1185 1518 27725686 79410 36381 52 Kalmar 170 2024-08
59 261982 529 193 1314 1055 1227 27987677 80724 37436 54 Stockholm 171 2024-09

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