Total score

Average points

Place Team Points
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 9
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 15
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 24

Average zones taken

Place Team Points
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 9
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 15
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 24

Average round unique taken

Place Team Points
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 10
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 15
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 23


Place Team Score
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 28
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 45
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 71

Day 7

Average points

Place Team Average points Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 21417 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 13120 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 13048 1

Average zones taken

Place Team Average zone takes Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 80 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 64 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 63 1

Average round unique taken

Place Team Average round unique Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 39.54 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 29.65 1
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 36.63 2


Place Team Total score
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 6
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 4
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 2

Day 6

Average points

Place Team Average points Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 22150 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 13409 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 9114 1

Average zones taken

Place Team Average zone takes Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 86 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 71 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 39 1

Average round unique taken

Place Team Average round unique Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 40.17 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 35.3 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 14.63 1


Place Team Total score
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 9
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 6
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 3

Day 5

Average points

Place Team Average points Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 21374 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 13894 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 9640 1

Average zones taken

Place Team Average zone takes Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 82 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 75 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 47 1

Average round unique taken

Place Team Average round unique Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 41.71 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 36.1 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 17.21 1


Place Team Total score
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 9
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 6
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 3

Day 4

Average points

Place Team Average points Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 22296 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 14374 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 10558 1

Average zones taken

Place Team Average zone takes Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 90 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 82 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 52 1

Average round unique taken

Place Team Average round unique Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 39.38 2
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 40.2 3
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 23.96 1


Place Team Total score
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 8
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 7
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 3

Day 3

Average points

Place Team Average points Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 22663 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 13794 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 12158 1

Average zones taken

Place Team Average zone takes Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 92 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 75 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 59 1

Average round unique taken

Place Team Average round unique Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 52.92 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 39.9 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 34.75 1


Place Team Total score
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 9
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 6
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 3

Day 2

Average points

Place Team Average points Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 24784 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 13924 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 9953 1

Average zones taken

Place Team Average zone takes Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 100 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 79 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 49 1

Average round unique taken

Place Team Average round unique Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 59.88 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 41.45 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 21.25 1


Place Team Total score
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 9
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 6
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 3

Day 1

Average points

Place Team Average points Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 27008 3
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 17526 2
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 14481 1

Average zones taken

Place Team Average zone takes Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 119 3
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 96 2
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 85 1

Average round unique taken

Place Team Average round unique Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 75.5 3
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 56.79 2
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 50.25 1


Place Team Total score
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 9
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 6
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 3

Day Total

Average points

Place Team Average points Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 157805 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 95002 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 80121 1

Average zones taken

Place Team Average zone takes Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 625 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 517 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 391 1

Average round unique taken

Place Team Average round unique Score points
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 341 3
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 267.45 2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 199.25 1


Place Team Total score
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 9
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 6
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 3
Place Name Players Average points Average zone takes Average round unique takes
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 30 157805 625 341
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 25 95002 517 267.45
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 30 80121 391 199.25

Last update 2024-10-23 04:52 Swedish time

Place Name Players Average points Average zone takes Average round unique takes
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 30 27008 119 75.5
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 30 17526 96 56.79
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 25 14481 85 50.25

Last update 2024-10-23 04:52 Swedish time

Place Name Players Average points Average zone takes Average round unique takes
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 30 24784 100 59.88
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 25 13924 79 41.45
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 30 9953 49 21.25

Last update 2024-10-23 04:52 Swedish time

Place Name Players Average points Average zone takes Average round unique takes
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 30 22663 92 52.92
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 25 13794 75 39.9
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 30 12158 59 34.75

Last update 2024-10-23 04:52 Swedish time

Place Name Players Average points Average zone takes Average round unique takes
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 30 22296 90 39.38
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 25 14374 82 40.2
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 30 10558 52 23.96

Last update 2024-10-23 04:52 Swedish time

Place Name Players Average points Average zone takes Average round unique takes
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 30 21374 82 41.71
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 25 13894 75 36.1
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 30 9640 47 17.21

Last update 2024-10-23 04:52 Swedish time

Place Name Players Average points Average zone takes Average round unique takes
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 30 22150 86 40.17
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 25 13409 71 35.3
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 30 9114 39 14.63

Last update 2024-10-23 04:52 Swedish time

Place Name Players Average points Average zone takes Average round unique takes
2024 Week of Madness - Scotland 30 21417 80 39.54
2024 Week of Madness - Västra Götaland 25 13120 64 29.65
2024 Week of Madness - Skåne 30 13048 63 36.63

Last update 2024-10-23 04:52 Swedish time

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