Place Username Rank Points this round Zones Points per hour Zones taken Round unique zones this round Average points Total points Unique zones Medals Total takes Region Goldeggs
Amigurumli 33 580 0 0 3 0 2374 509702 135 8 1940 Skåne 8
Sedin0603 33 12041 1 1 44 0 47269 554116 161 9 2178 Skåne 146
Zebulon 39 3425 1 2 15 0 21165 1126673 268 9 3880 Skåne 49
Reax 40 47302 0 0 209 0 55834 1250267 394 11 5039 Skåne 111
HLH 34 109075 17 34 386 0 40245 609058 662 12 2715 Skåne 95
Faxklo 39 121194 9 22 489 0 47256 1228549 457 11 5644 Skåne 12

Last update 2025-02-24 03:00

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Top player

17 Zoner


Total zones: 28
Total points per hour: 59
Total points: 293 617p
Average points: 48 936p
Highest points: 121 194p
Lowest points: 580p



Lista för dem som regelbundet turfar i området. Anmäl att du vill vara med på listan via funktionen "Apply to list" så får administratörerna en blänkare i mailen. Den som blivit inlagd på listan och inte vill synas kan göras osynlig. Försök nå adm genom att skriva ett meddelande i facebookgruppen "Turf Skåne" eller skriva i turfchatten när hen är ute och hoppas att det uppmärksammas. Ett mail till är också en möjlighet.


Latest added players

  • Turfzombie 1 year ago
  • Skuffies 2 years ago
  • faxklo 2 years ago
  • Marley&Me 6 years ago
  • HLH 7 years ago
  • Casspe 8 years ago
  • Makkan 8 years ago
  • reax 8 years ago
  • ensockerbagare 8 years ago
  • pineapplegirl 8 years ago

Latest given gold eggs

faxklo 2025-02-23
Sedin0603 2025-02-16
Sedin0603 2025-02-09
Sedin0603 2025-02-02
Sedin0603 2025-01-26
Casspe 2025-01-19
Sedin0603 2025-01-12
Sedin0603 2025-01-05
Sedin0603 2024-12-29
Sedin0603 2024-12-22
Sedin0603 2024-12-15
Sedin0603 2024-12-08
Sedin0603 2024-12-01
reax 2024-11-24
zebulon 2024-11-17
zebulon 2024-11-10
zebulon 2024-10-06
Sedin0603 2024-09-29
zebulon 2024-09-22
reax 2024-09-15
reax 2024-09-08
reax 2024-09-01
HLH 2024-08-25
reax 2024-08-18
reax 2024-08-11
HLH 2024-08-04
HLH 2024-07-28
Sedin0603 2024-07-21
HLH 2024-07-14
Sedin0603 2024-07-07
zebulon 2024-06-30
Sedin0603 2024-06-23
Sedin0603 2024-06-16
Sedin0603 2024-06-09
Sedin0603 2024-06-02
Sedin0603 2024-05-26
Sedin0603 2024-03-03
Sedin0603 2024-02-25
Sedin0603 2024-02-18
Sedin0603 2024-02-18
Sedin0603 2024-02-11
Sedin0603 2024-02-11
Sedin0603 2024-02-04
Sedin0603 2024-02-04
Sedin0603 2024-01-28
Sedin0603 2024-01-28
Sedin0603 2024-01-21
Sedin0603 2024-01-21
Sedin0603 2024-01-14
Sedin0603 2024-01-14
Sedin0603 2024-01-07
Sedin0603 2024-01-07
Sedin0603 2023-12-31
Sedin0603 2023-12-31
Sedin0603 2023-12-24
Sedin0603 2023-12-24
Sedin0603 2023-12-17
Sedin0603 2023-12-17
Sedin0603 2023-12-10
Sedin0603 2023-12-03
Sedin0603 2023-11-26
Sedin0603 2023-11-19
Sedin0603 2023-11-12
Sedin0603 2023-11-05
Sedin0603 2023-10-29
zebulon 2023-10-22
Sedin0603 2023-10-15
reax 2023-10-08
reax 2023-10-01
reax 2023-09-24
Sedin0603 2023-09-17
Turfzombie 2023-09-10
Sedin0603 2023-09-03
reax 2023-08-27
Sedin0603 2023-08-20
Sedin0603 2023-08-13
Sedin0603 2023-08-06
zebulon 2023-07-30
reax 2023-07-23
reax 2023-07-16
reax 2023-07-09
zebulon 2023-07-02
HLH 2023-06-25
HLH 2023-06-18
reax 2023-06-11
zebulon 2023-06-04
faxklo 2023-05-28
faxklo 2023-05-21
reax 2023-05-14
reax 2023-05-07
faxklo 2023-04-30
faxklo 2023-04-23
faxklo 2023-04-16
faxklo 2023-04-09
zebulon 2023-04-02
zebulon 2023-03-26
Sedin0603 2023-03-19
faxklo 2023-03-12
Sedin0603 2023-03-05
Sedin0603 2023-02-26
zebulon 2023-02-19
Sedin0603 2023-02-12
reax 2023-02-05
HLH 2023-01-29
faxklo 2023-01-22
Sedin0603 2023-01-15
Sedin0603 2023-01-08
Sedin0603 2023-01-01
Sedin0603 2022-12-25
Sedin0603 2022-12-18
Sedin0603 2022-12-11
Sedin0603 2022-12-04
Sedin0603 2022-11-27
Sedin0603 2022-11-20
reax 2022-11-13
Sedin0603 2022-11-06
zebulon 2022-10-30
Sedin0603 2022-10-23
reax 2022-10-16
reax 2022-10-09
reax 2022-10-02
reax 2022-09-25
Sedin0603 2022-09-18
Sedin0603 2022-09-11
zebulon 2022-09-04
reax 2022-08-28
reax 2022-08-21
Sedin0603 2022-08-14
Sedin0603 2022-08-07
reax 2022-07-31
reax 2022-07-24
reax 2022-07-17
reax 2022-07-10
zebulon 2022-07-03
zebulon 2022-06-26
HLH 2022-06-19
zebulon 2022-06-12
reax 2022-06-05
Skuffies 2022-05-29
Skuffies 2022-05-22
zebulon 2022-05-15
Skuffies 2022-05-08
Skuffies 2022-05-01
faxklo 2022-04-24
faxklo 2022-04-17
faxklo 2022-04-10
zebulon 2022-04-03
zebulon 2022-03-27
reax 2022-03-20
Sedin0603 2022-03-13
Sedin0603 2022-03-06
Sedin0603 2022-02-27
zebulon 2022-02-20
Sedin0603 2022-02-13
zebulon 2022-02-06
zebulon 2022-01-30
reax 2022-01-23
zebulon 2022-01-16
Sedin0603 2022-01-09
reax 2022-01-02
Sedin0603 2021-12-26
Sedin0603 2021-12-19
Sedin0603 2021-12-12
Sedin0603 2021-12-05
reax 2021-11-28
Sedin0603 2021-11-21
Sedin0603 2021-11-14
reax 2021-11-07
reax 2021-10-31
reax 2021-10-24
reax 2021-10-17
reax 2021-10-10
zebulon 2021-10-03
zebulon 2021-09-26
zebulon 2021-09-19
reax 2021-09-12
HLH 2021-09-05
HLH 2021-08-29
HLH 2021-08-22
HLH 2021-08-15
reax 2021-08-01
zebulon 2021-07-25
reax 2021-07-18
reax 2021-07-11
reax 2021-07-04
reax 2021-06-27
zebulon 2021-06-20
reax 2021-06-13
reax 2021-06-06
zebulon 2021-05-30
zebulon 2021-05-23
reax 2021-05-16
reax 2021-05-09
zebulon 2021-05-02
reax 2021-04-25
reax 2021-04-18
reax 2021-04-11
reax 2021-04-04
HLH 2021-03-28
HLH 2021-03-21
Sedin0603 2021-03-14
Sedin0603 2021-02-28
Sedin0603 2021-02-21
Sedin0603 2021-02-14
zebulon 2021-02-07
Sedin0603 2021-01-31
HLH 2021-01-24
Sedin0603 2021-01-17
HLH 2021-01-10
reax 2021-01-03
reax 2020-12-27
Sedin0603 2020-12-20
HLH 2020-12-13
reax 2020-12-06
HLH 2020-11-29
HLH 2020-11-22
zebulon 2020-11-08
zebulon 2020-11-01
HLH 2020-10-25
HLH 2020-10-18
zebulon 2020-10-11
Marley&Me 2020-10-04
reax 2020-09-27
Marley&Me 2020-09-20
HLH 2020-09-06
reax 2020-08-30
Casspe 2020-08-23
Sedin0603 2020-08-16
Sedin0603 2020-08-09
Casspe 2020-08-02
zebulon 2020-07-26
zebulon 2020-07-19
HLH 2020-07-12
reax 2020-07-05
Sedin0603 2020-06-28
Sedin0603 2020-06-21
Sedin0603 2020-06-14
Sedin0603 2020-06-07
Sedin0603 2020-05-31
HLH 2020-05-24
Marley&Me 2020-05-17
HLH 2020-05-10
Sedin0603 2020-05-03
HLH 2020-04-26
Sedin0603 2020-04-19
HLH 2020-04-12
Sedin0603 2020-04-05
HLH 2020-03-29
HLH 2020-03-22
HLH 2020-03-15
Sedin0603 2020-03-08
reax 2020-03-01
Sedin0603 2020-02-23
HLH 2020-02-16
HLH 2020-02-09
reax 2020-02-02
HLH 2020-01-26
Marley&Me 2020-01-19
Sedin0603 2020-01-12
reax 2020-01-05
HLH 2019-12-29
HLH 2019-12-22
Sedin0603 2019-12-15
Sedin0603 2019-12-08
Sedin0603 2019-12-01
Sedin0603 2019-11-24
Sedin0603 2019-11-17
HLH 2019-11-10
HLH 2019-11-03
HLH 2019-10-27
Sedin0603 2019-10-20
HLH 2019-10-13
Sedin0603 2019-10-06
zebulon 2019-09-29
Sedin0603 2019-09-22
reax 2019-09-15
reax 2019-09-08
reax 2019-09-01
Sedin0603 2019-08-25
reax 2019-08-18
reax 2019-08-11
Sedin0603 2019-08-04
zebulon 2019-07-28
reax 2019-07-21
reax 2019-07-14
reax 2019-07-07
HLH 2019-06-30
Sedin0603 2019-06-23
HLH 2019-06-16
HLH 2019-06-09
Marley&Me 2019-06-02
Marley&Me 2019-05-26
HLH 2019-05-19
Marley&Me 2019-05-12
Sedin0603 2019-05-05
Marley&Me 2019-04-28
HLH 2019-04-21
HLH 2019-04-14
Marley&Me 2019-04-07
HLH 2019-03-31
Marley&Me 2019-03-24
Marley&Me 2019-03-17
Marley&Me 2019-03-10
HLH 2019-03-03
Marley&Me 2019-02-24
Marley&Me 2019-02-17
Marley&Me 2019-02-10
HLH 2019-02-03
HLH 2019-01-27
HLH 2019-01-20
Marley&Me 2019-01-13
reax 2019-01-06
Sedin0603 2018-12-30
HLH 2018-12-23
HLH 2018-12-16
HLH 2018-12-09
Marley&Me 2018-12-02
Marley&Me 2018-11-25
Marley&Me 2018-11-18
Marley&Me 2018-11-11
Marley&Me 2018-11-04
Marley&Me 2018-10-28
Marley&Me 2018-10-21
HLH 2018-10-14
HLH 2018-10-07
HLH 2018-09-30
HLH 2018-09-23
HLH 2018-09-16
Marley&Me 2018-09-09
HLH 2018-09-02
HLH 2018-08-26
Marley&Me 2018-08-19
Marley&Me 2018-08-12
HLH 2018-08-05
HLH 2018-07-29
HLH 2018-07-22
HLH 2018-07-15
HLH 2018-07-08
HLH 2018-07-01
HLH 2018-06-24
HLH 2018-06-17
HLH 2018-06-10
HLH 2018-06-03
HLH 2018-05-27
HLH 2018-05-20
zebulon 2018-05-13
HLH 2018-05-06
HLH 2018-04-29
HLH 2018-04-22
HLH 2018-04-15
HLH 2018-04-08
HLH 2018-04-01
HLH 2018-03-25
HLH 2018-03-18
HLH 2018-03-11
Sedin0603 2018-03-04
Sedin0603 2018-02-25
Sedin0603 2018-02-18
HLH 2018-02-11
Sedin0603 2018-02-04
HLH 2018-01-28
reax 2018-01-21
zebulon 2018-01-14
HLH 2018-01-07
HLH 2017-12-31
Sedin0603 2017-12-24
Sedin0603 2017-12-17
Sedin0603 2017-12-10
HLH 2017-12-03
HLH 2017-11-26
HLH 2017-11-19
HLH 2017-11-12
HLH 2017-11-05
HLH 2017-10-29
HLH 2017-10-22
HLH 2017-10-15
Sedin0603 2017-10-08
HLH 2017-10-01
HLH 2017-09-24
zebulon 2017-09-17
Sedin0603 2017-09-10
reax 2017-09-03
zebulon 2017-08-27
reax 2017-08-20
reax 2017-08-13
reax 2017-08-06
Sedin0603 2017-07-30
Sedin0603 2017-07-23
Sedin0603 2017-07-16
reax 2017-07-09
Sedin0603 2017-07-02
Sedin0603 2017-06-25
reax 2017-06-18
Sedin0603 2017-06-11
reax 2017-06-04
reax 2017-05-28
Sedin0603 2017-05-21
Sedin0603 2017-05-14
Sedin0603 2017-05-07
zebulon 2017-04-30
reax 2017-04-23
reax 2017-04-16
reax 2017-04-09
reax 2017-04-02
Sedin0603 2017-03-26
reax 2017-03-19
Sedin0603 2017-03-05
reax 2017-02-26
Sedin0603 2017-02-19
Sedin0603 2017-02-12
Sedin0603 2017-02-05
Sedin0603 2017-01-29
Casspe 2017-01-22
Amigurumli 2017-01-15
zebulon 2017-01-08
Amigurumli 2017-01-01
Sedin0603 2016-12-25
reax 2016-12-18
reax 2016-12-11
Sedin0603 2016-12-04
Sedin0603 2016-11-27
Sedin0603 2016-11-20
Sedin0603 2016-11-13
reax 2016-11-06
reax 2016-10-30
reax 2016-10-23
reax 2016-10-16
reax 2016-10-09
reax 2016-10-02
reax 2016-09-25
reax 2016-09-18
reax 2016-09-11
reax 2016-09-04
reax 2016-08-28
reax 2016-08-21
reax 2016-08-14
reax 2016-07-24
reax 2016-07-17
reax 2016-07-10
reax 2016-07-03
reax 2016-06-26
reax 2016-06-19
reax 2016-06-12
reax 2016-06-05
reax 2016-05-29
zebulon 2016-05-22
reax 2016-05-15
zebulon 2016-05-08
Amigurumli 2016-05-01
zebulon 2016-04-24
Amigurumli 2016-04-17
Amigurumli 2016-04-10
reax 2016-04-03
Amigurumli 2016-03-27
Amigurumli 2016-03-20
Amigurumli 2016-03-13

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