
This is how the competition goes:

We compete in the categories Points, Takes and Round Unique. Every Sunday at 12 o’clock every teams score in all 3 categories will reset and points will be given out to each team depending on where you place.

The position is determined by the team's average points as the teams are different sizes. Points are awarded per category in this way:

The placement is determined by the team's average score as the teams are of different sizes.

Points is handed out for every week and the total in every category according to the list below:

  • 1th place get 14 points
  • 2th place get 12 points
  • 3th place get 10 points
  • 4th place get 8 points
  • 5th place get 7 points
  • 6th place get 6 points
  • 7th place get 5 points
  • 8th place get 4 points
  • 9th place get 3 points
  • 10th place get 2 points
  • 11th place get 1 points

When the round is over, it is also calculated which team has scored the most Points, Takes and Round Uniques during the entire round. Points are then awarded for the round per category according to the same scale. That is, the team that made the most Takes during the entire round now gets additional points for it. A team's final score can now be calculated by adding their scores in each category in the four heats + the round. If more than one team has the same final score it will be the team with most players that win.

How big are the teams?
Based on the regions "Turf size", the team's minimum number of competitors is as follows:

  • Dalarna - 15
  • Scotland - 30
  • Västerbotten - 31
  • Västmanland - 36
  • Stockholm North - 35
  • Stockholm South - 35
  • Norrbotten - 13
  • Östergötland - 25
  • Kalmar - 23
  • Uppsala - 29
  • Turfmix - no lowest limit.

This is only the minimum number of turf players in the team that the regions need to have.
Everyone is welcome to join and you can be as many as you want in the team.

What happens if I have to break the competition or take it easy for a week?
The bottom 25% of the team's list in every category is not counted before each tally.
This is so that illness or if you want to take it easy for a week will not have such a big impact.

When is the breakpoint for every week?
At 11:55 CET will the next week start every sunday..

Are round uniques reset every week?
No! It is good to think about when the tactics are laid out.

How do I register for my regional team?
Get in touch with the team leader for your region via Facebook or the turf chat by September 3 at the latest.

Västerbotten - Jens Lundberg (Linkaz)
Västmanland - Mikko Randelin (CRUSAIDER)
Stockholm North - Peter Gustafsson (peterspirea)
Stockholm South - Anna Schelin (AnnSch) & Therese Larsson (QoC)
Östergötland - Michael Johansson (recycling)
Kalmar - Emilius Podenas (Podde)
Scotland - CSL
Norrbotten - Sixten Sunnegårdh (Kygni)
Uppsala - Karin Troell (Dixern)
Turfmix - Max Jansson (MaXi)

Where can I follow the competition?
You can follow it at

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